Online Bloging
Jonathan discovered blogging while starting up his first business. Through learning, development & persisitence, Jonathan was able to get that site to rank #1 for most of its target keywords. Being an engineer, Jonathan particularly enjoyed the technical SEO aspect of blogging.
Following the success of his first site, Jonathan applied the same technical approaches to a number of other sites. These had varied levels of success, each one being a learning opportunity. The commont theme amongst all was that the subject was a topic that was not particularly personal and therefore lacked emotional committment.
An Unlikely Partnership
Subsequently, Jonathan met with Trevor. Upon discovering that Trevor is one of the most experienced, successful and prolific carp anglers in the UK, the pair agreed to work together on Carp Fishing HQ and this site was born!
Engineering Background
Jonathan has a background in electronic engineering, studying at Sussex University & graduating in 2005 with a 1st class undergraduate Masters. After working at a number of engineering firms, he eventually found that his strength lay in helping local business owners to succeed throungh the medium of BNI. Jonathan now runs the Surrey BNI region full time.
Self Development
A keen advocate of self development and continuous learning, Jonathan has a strong interest in deveoping a passive income and additionally psychology.
Passive Income
Much of the inspiration to take up blogging as a hobby has come from listening to the podcast of online entrepreneur Pat Flynn Smart Passive Income. Jonathan listens to Pat every week during the early morning car jouneys to BNI breakfast meetings.
Jonathan’s journey has taken him from engineer to networking & blogging expert. There have been some key learning experiences along the way. Jonathan rates the following self deveopment books as key to his success:
- The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
- The Jelly Effect by Andy Bounds
- Influence by Robert Cialdini
Not a happy clappy book but sound psychological principles based on scientific research, well balanced studies and a robust approach.
The single most important business book I have ever read. Andy Bounds charges £20k per day to train sales teams on how to achieve incredible results. He commands this level of income because he gets amazing results. His book is £7 – read it if your are in any kind of business.
Widely regarded as the most authoritative book on influential psychology ever written. It will make you a lot more aware of the techniques used by marketeers and will give you a choice on how to promote your business effectively in a moral and ethical way.
Jonathan lives near Ashford, Kent, UK with his wife Kelly and 3 children. Jonathan’s other pastimes include motorcycling, snooker and snowboarding.